You can set up additional operating accounts if you have certain charges that go into different operating accounts.
An example is if you have a Rental bank account that all the Rent goes into, and then another escrow type bank account that all the Security Deposits go into.
The Rental account can be the main operating account for the Company, which is set on the Accounting - Companies page. Then the Company tab, and then scroll down to see Operating accounts.
Here you can view the Operating accounts.
Then you can click Add Account, to add an overriding operating account for a specific item. In this example, you would choose the Item for Security Deposit, and Save that.
Once created, you can then edit the Operating Account for the Security Deposit by clicking on the three dot menu on the right side, and set it to the correct bank account.
Now going forward, anytime you create an invoice for this company for Security Deposit, the payment will get deposited into this particular bank account. All other items would get deposited into the Default Operating Account.
There is also another scenario that is possible, which is if an owner needs different security deposit bank accounts for different properties that they own.
If this is the case, then we can set the operating accounts on the Property as well, which would override the Company operating accounts.
This can be done from the Properties page, choose the Property on the left side, and go to the Property tab on the right side. Then scroll down for the Operating Accounts section. By default, it will be set to the same as the Company, but here you can edit this with the three dot menu and change this as necessary.