This is an option from the Marketing - Leads page. Once a lead has been entered, either from applying online, or manually entered by a User, then you have an option to Request Further Actions.
This then brings up a lightbox with a few options:
Here is how the further actions work:
Request Credit Check and Payment: Sends the credit check and payment forms. TransUnion is required for the unit the lead is interested in. Forte needs to be setup.
Request Credit Check Form: Sends only the credit check form. TransUnion is required for the unit the lead is interested in.
Request Payment: Sends only the payment form. Forte needs to be setup.
Request Tenant Application: Sends the tenant application as a lead would see it on the public building website. If either the payment or TransUnion info is not required initially (editable on the settings page), then the application will hide those respective sections.
Some Notes:
When you request a payment with any of these options, the amount will be chosen from whichever Tenant Application you have selected on this lightbox. It will also show the amount next to the Tenant Application if you have an amount set. In this above example, it will be requesting a payment of $25.
Tenant Applications are customizable from the Settings - Customize Tenant Applications. When editing an application, you have the options to require payment and to require transunion. This then determines what gets sent and what needs to be filled out when using the Request Tenant Application option from this lightbox.
You can also set the Application Fee amounts from the Tenant Application.
You can have as many Tenant Applications as you want.