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API Integration
Kevin Campbell avatar
Written by Kevin Campbell
Updated over 2 years ago

Property Matrix has a REST API that your software developers can use to export data from Property Matrix to integrate with other applications. Our API uses OAuth2 authentication.

Steps for accessing the Property Matrix API:

  • Our Property Matrix support staff can create an OAuth app for your account. You will need to contact our support staff and provide the redirect URL hosted on your own web server (such as Our support staff will create an OAuth app and provide you with an OAuth client id and secret.

  • Open the web browser you use to sign into Property Matrix and navigate to the following URL after replacing the values for "client_id" and "redirect_uri" with your own values (note that the redirect_uri must be the same value you provided us at the start):

  • This page will ask if you want to link the OAuth app to the Property Matrix account you are currently logged in as. Authorize the app to proceed. You will be redirected to the redirect URL you provided. As part of the redirect, there will be an extra parameter for "code" that our server adds - retrieve this value from your web server and save it.

  • You can now make a request to get an access token. If your previous access token has not expired yet, you will not be able to request a new token and you will get a 401 error if you attempt to do so. To request an access token, make a HTTP post request with a 'Content-Type' of 'Application/JSON' to "" with the following parameters:

    • grant_type: a hard-coded string value for "authorization_code" - this value will not change

    • redirect_uri: the same URL you provided us at the start

    • client_id: your OAuth client id

    • client_secret: your OAuth secret

    • code: your OAuth code from the redirect URL

  • If the HTTP post request succeeds, you will get back a JSON object with the following keys:

    • "access_token": the authorization token you will use

    • "token_type": "Bearer"

    • "expires_in": the number of seconds before the token expires

    • "created_at": integer value for the time the token was created

  • If you run into any errors, you can check the response status and message to see the failure reason.

  • You can now use the access token to make API calls to . Sample queries can be viewed and tested in Property Matrix on the settings page > API.

  • After your current access token expires, repeat the steps to make an HTTP post request to get a new access token.

Your software developers can then use the data from the Property Matrix API to integrate with other software.

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