To create new maintenance requests go to the Maintenance page. Requests that have been dispatched out to vendors or maintenance workers appear in the top section, and new requests appear at the bottom. To create a new request click the three dot menu on the top left, and choose New Maintenance Request.
The new maintenance request popup windows has a number of fields to fill in and select. Different Categories can offer suggested Vendors. You can set the Site to a specific Unit or entire Building. Once the Site is selected, a list of Tenants in that unit/property will load. Once you are done entering all the fields, click Save to create the request.
The ticket will appear in the list below under All New. To edit it select the ticket and edit the details on the right from the three dot menu near the top right across from Details. Click Save on the bottom of that section once you are done editing.
If a Tenant is selected you can create a new invoice if the tenant owes money for the repairs by clicking Accounting, and then New Invoice.
The same can be done for Vendors if a vendor is set and you select the Bills tab. Furthermore you can create Management Charges if you have paid a vendor for the repairs and the building's owner now owes you money for it.
If the status of a request is changed from pending the request will move to the top section (such as Dispatched or Assigned). The top left section allows you to filter the requests shown by vendor or by building. If the request is marked as completed it will disappear from the screen unless you click on the Completed status from the list on the left.