Labels help you organize your units and properties based on specific information you want to view.
You can activate the Labels on the Properties page in the upper left hand corner. You will notice that there are already some pre-generated labels you can use.
By clicking on a Label any unit that complies with the category selected can be viewed in the Unit Display menu on the left hand of the screen.
You may also select more than one Label if needed
You also have the option to create a new Label if you need a specific category to display.
To do so click on the Edit button from the option menu on the top right of the Labels section, this will open a pop up menu displaying the current Labels already in place.
Click on the New Label on the top right, this will open a second pop up menu that will display a "Rules" Data Section.
In this section you will be able to set the information you want the system to use to display your desired category.
Using the Rule section you can filter out the information by entering the following:
Resource: The category where the information to be taken out of
Field: Sub category
Mode: What rule you want it to follow
Value: The specific text, amount, description etc. you want to have displayed
You can create multiple rules if needed by clicking on the + button and entering the additional information you want to set.
Once you are satisfied with the information set click on the Submit button below
Your new Label will appear on the Labels Section right after and will be able to display the units based on the information you had set in the rule section.
You can always go back and edit the information by clicking on the Edit Button and clicking on the specific Label.