Property Matrix provides you a website for each Property so that you can market your available units.
The data that displays on this website is pulled from the Property Matrix system, specifically from the Properties page.
When looking at the Property page, you first want to find that available property that you are looking for. You can do this with Segments, or just using the Search bar on the top left to find a given property/unit.
Since this Property only has one unit, you need to select the Unit from the list on the left side, so you can edit both the Unit and Property information.
The best way to get to this tab if you have a lot of Properties, is to choose the search option that says In Units:
This will then take you directly to that Unit, where you can edit both the Unit tab and the Property tab to update the Marketing info.
You may also need to minimize the Properties dropdown list on the left side so that you can see the Units.
Now from that Unit tab, you can edit the Unit Details, by clicking on the three dot menu on the right side of Details in this section.
You can update the Area, Default Rent, Property Type, and the Bedrooms/Bathrooms.
Then you can also edit the other Sections below, for Marketing and Amenities.
Marketing is a description that you can write about the available property.
You can also add pictures from the large blue image on the right side, if you click the three dot menu below that to Edit Gallery. From there you can choose files to upload.
Now that Unit is ready to market.
You can then post this unit from the Marketing tab, and choose the option for Postings.
This will bring up a lightbox where you can post this unit to Property Matrix, as well as public sites we work with. Just move the slider over until it is Blue and then if you Save that, it will post online.
Now this unit is posted onto your public website, as well as to its own Property website.
Your public website can be found from the Settings - Company Information page. Under the section that says Website & Misc.
The Property website for this particular property can be found from the Property tab, and the field for Alias. This field is editable, and typically the address is a good name for this url.
Just add to the end of the alias, so this example it is
Then you can click on the Unit that shows under Featured Listings, and see all the Marketing info that you entered on the Unit tab.
There is also an Apply Online button here that you can then use for applicants to apply online.Β