Transunion Shareable is used for any Client with less than 100 units.
There are two available Shareable reports available through the system.
A. Credit & Criminal Reports for $15
B. Credit, Criminal & Eviction Reports for $20
We do not currently support TransUnion Shareable reports with recommendation.
They can be set up through the settings page for each property. Once TransUnion Shareable has been set up, the user will be able to choose which report option they want to use. The prices are also displayed there. When TransUnion Shareable is setup for a property, the rental applications for that property will also include the Shareable application. An application fee can be set up for the applicant by editing the customized tenant application on the settings page. The tenant will get charged immediately upon submitting their application. However, the property manager does not get charged for any credit or eviction reports until the property manager client decides to retrieve those reports for an applicant from the marketing leads page.